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of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
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Lacerta diplochondrodes cariensis
PETERS, 1964
West-Anatolia and offshore mediterranean islands.
Source: Schmidtler, J.F. (1986) - Orientalische Smaragdeidechsen: 2. Über Systematik und Synökologie von Lacerta trilineata, L. media und L. pamphylica. - Salamandra, Bonn, 22 (2/3): 126-146.Kornilios P, Thanou E, Lymberakis P, Ilgaz Ç, Kumlutaş Y, Leaché A. - A phylogenomic resolution for the taxonomy of Aegean green lizards. Zool Scr. 2019;00:1–14.
Greece, Türkiye
Lacerta diplochondrodes cariensis: 11 references
Lacerta diplochondrodes cariensis © 2007 Dennis Rabeling