In the mountains of the Rif, the Moyen and Haut Atlas of northern and central Morocco 


Psammodromus microdactylus  (BOETTGER, 1881)


Algira microdactyla  BOETTGER, 1881

Psammodromus microdactylus  BOULENGER, 1887

Common names:

Green Psammodromus (English)
Small-fingered Psammodromus (English)


Type: BMNH 1946.8.5.44 (and possibly additional specimens).

Terra Typica:

“prope urbes Casablanca, Tetuan, Tanger”.

Relevant taxonomic literature:

  • Boettger, O. (1881) -  Diagnoses Reptilium novorum Maroccanorum. -  Zoologischer Anzeiger, Leipzig, 4 (73): 570-572.     

  • Mendes, J. & Harris, D.J. & Carranza, S. & Salvi, D. (2017) -  Biogeographical crossroad across the Pillars of Hercules: Evolutionary history of Psammodromus lizards in space and time. -  Journal of Biogeography, 44 (12): 2877-2890.    


Psammodromus microdactylus  © 2010 Mario Schweiger