
Latastia BEDRIAGA, 1884

Species (8):

Latastia boscai  BEDRIAGA, 1884

Latastia caeruleopunctata  PARKER, 1935

Latastia cherchii  ARILLO et al., 1967

Latastia doriai  BEDRIAGA, 1884

Latastia johnstoni  BOULENGER, 1907

Latastia longicaudata  (REUSS, 1834)

Latastia petersiana  MERTENS, 1938

Latastia taylori  PARKER, 1942

Uncertain (2):

Latastia ornata  MONARD, 1940

Latastia siebenrocki  (TORNIER, 1905)

Species Typica:

Latastia longicaudata  (REUSS, 1834)

Taxonomic notes:

The Afro-tropical genus consists of 10 nominal species and has its Radiation Center in the Horn of Africa (Somalia). The genus is scientifically poorly edited.


Relevant taxonomic literature:

  • Bedriaga, J. von (1884) -  Die neue Lacertiden-Gattung Latastia und ihre Arten (L. doriai n.sp. var. Martensi m., Samharica Blanf. und Boscai n.sp.). -  Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova, 20: 307-324.  

  • Arillo, A. & Balletto, E. & Spanò, S. (1967) -  Il genere Latastia Bedriaga in Somalia. -  Bollettino dei Musei e degli Istituti Biologici Dell’Università di Genova, 35 (229): 105-145.  

  • Largen, M.J. & Spawls, S. (2006) -  Lizards of Ethiopia (Reptilia Sauria):an annotated checklist, bibliography,gazetteer and identification key. -  Tropical Zoology, 19 (1): 21-109.    


Latastia: 89  pictures (see species level)


Latastia boscai boscai  © 2009 Trevor Hardaker & Margaret Hardaker