Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti. 


Latastia boscai  BEDRIAGA, 1884

Subspecies (3):

Latastia boscai boscai  BEDRIAGA, 1884

Latastia boscai arenicola  PARKER, 1942

Latastia boscai burii  BOULENGER, 1907


Latastia wachei  WERNER, 1913

Common names:

Eritrea Longtail Lizard (English)
Bosca’s Longtail Lizard (English)


boscai: Syntype: MSNG 10118

arenicola: Syntypes: BMNH, British Somaliland. Haud, Ado, Italian Somaliland. Dolo

burii: Syntypes: BMNH 1946.9.2.94-95 (1905.10.30.42-43), Somali, near Berbera Coll. G.W. BURY

Terra Typica:

boscai: Keren, Eritrea and `from the land of the Adal (Rugdeira Sogheira)` [the given place could not be located, under `the land of the Adal` is probably to be understood the settlement area of ​​the Afar].

arenicola: Haud [border region between Ethiopia and `Somaliland`], Ado in the Somali region of Ethiopia and Dolo [= Doolow] on the border between Ethiopia and S-Somalia.

burii: Berbera, Somalia

Relevant taxonomic literature:

  • Bedriaga, J. von (1884) -  Die neue Lacertiden-Gattung Latastia und ihre Arten (L. doriai n.sp. var. Martensi m., Samharica Blanf. und Boscai n.sp.). -  Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale di Genova, 20: 307-324.  

  • Largen, M.J. & Spawls, S. (2006) -  Lizards of Ethiopia (Reptilia Sauria):an annotated checklist, bibliography,gazetteer and identification key. -  Tropical Zoology, 19 (1): 21-109.    


Latastia boscai: 7  pictures (see subspecies level)


Latastia boscai burii  © 2024 Tomáš Mazuch