Arnold, E.N. (1980) - The scientific results of the Oman flora and fauna survey 1977 (Dhofar). The reptiles and amphibians of Dhofar, southern Arabia. - Journal of Oman Studies, Special report, 2: 273-332.  ×Some 500 Dhofar reptiles and amphibians are discussed and a minimum of 48 terrestrial species recognised for the area of which 5 were previously undescribed; these are a gecko, Hemidactylus lemurinus, and the lacertids Acanthodactylus felicis, A. opheodurus,A. masirae and Mesalina ayunensis; a new subspecies of gecko from north Oman, Bunopus spatalurus hajarensis is also reported. Various other species are reviewed; it appears that Bunopus abudhabi is a synonym of B. blanfordi, which is probably conspecific with B. tuberculatus, Hemidactylus parkeri is regarded as a subspecies of H. turcicus, the Arabian agamas of the Agama cyanogaster group are shown to include 2 species to which the names adramitana and yemenensis are applicable although their status relative to African populations in the group is not clear; A. jayakari is conspecific with A. flavimaculata, and A. neumanni with A. sinaita; Chamaeleo chamaeleon orientalis is similar to more northern populations of C. chamaeleon but C. c. arabicus is very well differentiated and may be a separate species, the use of genitalia in the classification of Acanthodactylus is emphasised and A. arabicus, A. blanfordi and A. schmidti are all given full species status; the recognition of Mesalina as a genus indepemdemt of Eremias is confirmed, it is suggestes that Atractaspis engeddensis may be conspecific with A. microlepidota and that Lytorhynchus gaddi is a synonym of L. diadema; the distinctive population of Echis carinatus in Dhofar appears to be closely related to those in south-west Arabia and adjoining Africa but animals from northern Oman and the rest of south-west Asia are very different. Additional specimens are reported of Bunopus s. spatalurus and Coluber thomasi, both previously known from only 2 individuals. Geographical variations of a number of species is discribed including 3 geckos that show very considerable differences within southern Dhofar: Hemidactylus homocolepis, H. yerburii and Tropiocolotes scorteccii.
Observations on the ecology of many species are noted, especially for the aberrant gecko genus Pristurus, one species of which, P. carteri, behaves like a small, ground-dwelling diurnal agamid. Resource partition, at least amongst the lizards, appears to be largely based on parameters of time, food (especially prey size), hunting method and space. A number of forms occourring in both noreth Oman and Dhofar show differences in niche in the two areas apparently related to the presence of absence of a competitor.
Several species are recorded from Dhofar for the first time including Bunopus spatalurus, Hemidactylus flaviviridis, H. turcicus parkeri, Pristurus minimus, Agama adramitana, Acanthodactylus boskianus,Mabuya tessellata, Leptotyphlops macrorhynchus and Lytorhynchus diadema. The herpetofauna of the area can be divided into a largely northern element of desert-adapted forms widespread in the Arabian peninsula and a more peripheral element in the south which shows considerably more affinity to south-west Arabia than to northern Oman. No reptile of amphibian endemics occur in the forested areas of Dhofar but 3 species present in the drymesic habitats on the north side of the mountains may be restricted to the region.
Acanthodactylus opheodurus, Acanthodactylus felicis, Acanthodactylus masirae, Acanthodactylus boskianus, Acanthodactylus schmidti, Mesalina adramitana, Mesalina ayunensis. Simó-Riudalbas, K. & Tamar, K. & Smid, J. & Mitsi, P. & Sindaco, R. & Chirio, L. & Carranza, S. (2019) - Biogeography of Mesalina (Reptilia: Lacertidae), with special emphasis on the Mesalina adramitana group from Arabia and the Socotra Archipelago. - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 137: 300-312.  ×The lacertid lizards of the genus Mesalina inhabit the arid regions of the Old World, from North Africa to NW India. Of the 19 recognized species within the genus, eleven occur in Arabia. In this study, we explore the genetic variability and phylogeographic patterns of the less studied M. adramitana group from southern Arabia and the Socotra Archipelago within the phylogenetic and biogeographic context of the entire genus. Our unprecedented sampling extends the distribution ranges of most Mesalina species and, for the first time, sequences of M. ayunensis are included in a phylogenetic analysis. We perform analyses of concatenated multilocus datasets and species trees, conduct species delimitation analyses, and estimate divergence times within a biogeographic framework. Additionally, we inferred the environmental suitability and identified dispersal corridors through which gene flow is enabled within M. adramitana. Our results show that the Socotra Archipelago was colonized approximately 7 Mya by a single oversea colonization from mainland Arabia. Then, an intra-archipelago dispersal event that occurred approximately 5 Mya resulted in the speciation between M. balfouri, endemic to Socotra, Samha and Darsa Islands, and M. kuri, endemic to Abd al Kuri Island. Similar to previous studies, we uncovered high levels of genetic diversity within the M. adramitana species-group, with two highly divergent lineages of M. adramitana living in allopatry and adapted to locally specific climatic conditions that necessitate further investigation.