
A newly discovered colony of Podarcis siculus siculus in San Pedro, Los Angeles cty., U.S.A.


John Ivanov directed the attention of this colony of alien lizards to Gary Nafis in April, 2010. In a joint venture Gary Nafis, Guntram Deichsel and Jonathan Hakim surveyed the site and identified the lizards as Podarcis siculus siculus which were introduced from Sicily in the year 1994. The origin was genetically confirmed by Werner Mayer of the Natural History Museum in Vienna, Austria.
Details are given in Deichsel, G., G. Nafis & J. Hakim (2010): Podarcis siculus (siculus) – U.S.A, California, Los Angeles. Herpetological Review, 41 (4): 513-514. More pictures are presented at www.californiaherps.com.

Imm. 1: Female of the “concolor” morph (dorsal)

Imm. 2: Female of the “concolor” morph (ventral)

Imm. 3: Female (dorsal)

Imm. 4: Female (ventral)

Imm. 5: Female, “concolor” intergrade (dorsal)

Imm. 6: Female, “concolor” intergrade (ventral)

Imm. 7: Juvenile

Imm. 8: Male

Imm. 9: Male

Imm. 10: Female, “concolor” intergrade

Author: Guntram Deichsel, Biberach an der Riss