Herpetological trip to the natural park of s’Albufera des Grau

October 7 till October 16, 2011


[ 1 ] Introduction
[ 2 ] Ses Mones - Illa del Rei
[ 3 ] s’Albufera: Illot des Soldat, Illot des Pardalls, Illot d’en Petit and Illot d’en Mel
[ 4 ] Ses Àguiles
[ 5 ] Addaia Gran and Petit
[ 6 ] Colom
[ 7 ] Carbó Petit and Gran
[ 8 ] Sa Punta de Mongofre Nou
[ 9 ] Conclusion - References


We report on our observations on Podarcis lilfordi (GÜNTHER, 1874) during our 8 day trip to the natural park of s’Albufera des Grau (Spain/Menorca)
and give preliminary conclusions on the status of some populations.


Our main targets for this trip to Menorca were collecting morphometrical data for the Podarcis lilfordi populations from Illa de Ses Mones, Carbó Gran, Carbó Petit, Ses Àguiles and Illot d’en Mel. Additional tissue samples from the not-yet-sampled populations of Ses Mones, Carbó Petit and Ses Àguiles were collected on request of MIGUEL A. CARRETERO (CIBIO), as were faeces samples to support the research of ANA PERERA (CIBIO).
We were able to achieve all main targets, which gave us the opportunity to visit the other known Podarcis lilfordi populations inside the park; Addaia Gran, Addaia Petit and Colom.
Also the “turtle pond” Bassa de Morella (page 3), south to Cap de Favàritx, and the partial restricted zone of Sa Punta de Mongofre Nou, close to the Addaia islands, were explored.
We also made our annual 2 hours visit on sunday morning to Illa del Rei, the only trip outside the park.

Friday the 7th of October:  Arrival day

After arrival on Menorca, we went straight to the office/information centre of the park were we had an appointment with the park-manager RICARD BORRAS TEJEDOR. After a quick visit to the parks diorama and a little tour at the office, we coordinated our plans for the following week. Outside the office, inside the small botanical garden, the first specimens of Podarcis siculus siculus were spotted.
Subsequently we had to arrange kayaks at Es Grau, where the kind owners of MENORCA EN KAYAK supported us with two kayaks for navigation on the lake of s’Albufera des Grau for our Monday and Tuesday visits to Illot des Soldat, Illot des Pardalls, Illot d’en Petit and Illot d’en Mel.
After dumping the luggage at our apartment in Arenal den Castell, we did a quick walk outside watching the breaking waves on the cliffs and turning stones to find us some specimens of Tarentola mauritanica.

  Image 3: Tarentola mauritanica from Arenal den Castell.

  Image 1: Male Podarcis siculus siculus.

  Image 2: Female Podarcis siculus siculus.

  Image 4: Office of the park.

  Image 5: Information centre - Interpretació Rodríguez Femenias.