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Literature- and poster projects
of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
Podarcis melisellensis fiumanus (WERNER, 1891)
Adema, J.P.H.M. & Bosch, H.A.J. in den (1980) -
Algyroides moreoticus, Lacerta agilis, Lacerta graeca, Lacerta oxycephala, Lacerta trilineata, Lacerta viridis, Podarcis melisellensis fiumana, Podarcis muralis albanica, Podarcis peloponnesiaca, Podarcis sicula campestris, Podarcis taurica ionica, Podarcis taurica taurica.
Bischoff, W. (1973) -
Böhme, W. & Corti, C. (1993) -
Bolkay, S.J. (1924) -
Bolkay S.J. (1924) -
Bolkay, S.J. (1928) -
Boulenger, G.A. (1920) -
Breg, A. & Janota, B. & Peganc, M. & Petrovič, I. & Tome, S. & Vamberger, M. (2010) -
Bressi, N. (1999) -
The Herpetological Collection of the Trieste Natural History Museum has almost 700 specimens of European Sauria belonging to about 33 taxa, including all the lacertids of northern Adriatic re- gions. The origin of the collection dates back to the foundation of the Museum of Trieste in 1846, but it was increased mainly between 1871 and 1939. The Herpetological Collection of the Trieste Natural History Museum has a great scientific and historical importance; it documents the varia- tion of the composition and distribution of northern Adriatic Sauria fauna during this century, in- cluding endemic varieties typical of little islands.
Bruno, S. (1989) -
Capula, M. & Scalera, R. (1998) -
Cyrén, O. (1924) -
Dely, O.G. & Stohl, G. (1982) -
Comparative analyses were carried out about the variability of the pileal shields of different species belonging to the family Lacertidae. The results of the comparisons have been evaluated in respect to the phylogenetical relationships existing between the different genera and species of the family.
Dieckmann, M. (2005) -
Dieckmann, M. (2007) -
Während eines einwöchigen Aufenthaltes im September 2006 auf der mitteldalmatinischen Insel Brač konnten drei Lacertidenarten nachgewiesen werden. Aufgrund der zu diesem Zeitpunkt recht hohen Tempersaturen fielen die Beobachtungen allerdings recht spärlich aus.
Dieckmann, M. & Dieckmann, K. (2023) -
Fabaian, S. & Giovanelli, M.M. & Lapini, L. & Morandini, C. & Zanetti, M. (2007) -
Frommhold, E. (1960) -
Gebhart, J. (2020) -
Haxhiu, I. (1998) -
Hill, J. & Klepsch, R. (2013) -
Jablonski, D. & Jandzik, D. & Gvoždík, V. (2012) -
Bosnia and Herzegovina plays an important role for the diversity of herpetofauna of the Balkans. The composition of the amphibian and reptile fauna has been influenced by both continental and Mediterranean climate. So far, 18 species of amphibians and 29 species of reptiles have been found to inhabit the territory, but due to the overall neglected faunistic research of this region in the last decades, this is presumably not the final number. At 31 localities we observed 12 species of amphibians and 17 species of reptiles representing 66.7 and 58.6% of the total known diversity of amphibians and reptiles, respectively. We recorded new distribution data for 8 species of amphibians and 9 species of reptiles. A zoogeographic analysis showed that the herpetofauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina could be classified into at least 12 chorotypes. While the amphibian assemblages are predominantly influenced by the European temperate climatic conditions, the Mediterranean climate plays a key role for the composition of the reptile fauna.
Jelić, D. & Kuljerić, M. & Koren, T. & Treer, D. & Šalamon, D. & Lončar, M. & Podnar Lešić, M. & Janev Hutinec, B. & Bogdanović, T. & Mekinić, S. & Jelić, K. (2012) -
Kammerer, P. (1910) -
Kammerer, P. (1926) -
Karaman, S. (1921) -
Karaman, S. (1939) -
Kattinger, E. (1972) -
Kauffeld, C.F. (1931) -
Klemmer, K. (1957) -
Kopstein, F. & Wettstein, O. (1920) -
Kramer, G. & Mertens, R. (1938) -
Lapini, L. & Dorigo, L. & Glerean, P. & Giovannelli, M.M. (2013) -
The Authors outline the present situation and distribution maps of 118 animal species of European Community interest protected by the EU 92/43/EEC Directive in Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (North-eastern Italy). They belong to various phyla and classes (Mollusca [6 species], Annelida [1 species], Arthropoda [27 species], Vertebrata [84 species]), at various degrees of protection included in the lists of the so-called Habitat Directive (All. II, IV, V). In the present situation the main conservation problems concern various hygrophilous lowland-dwelling species, highly menaced from agriculture, pollution and habitat fragmentation. A lot of meadow-dwelling species, on the contrary, are menaced by forest expansion in various karstic and mountain environment. The great expansion of the mountain woods on the alpine mountain chain, on the other hand, has surely favoured various forest species, like a lot of big and medium Carnivores.
Mertens, R. (1915) -
Mertens, R. (1918) -
Mertens, R. (1970) -
Nikolsky, A.M. (1915) -
Peaker, M. & Peaker, S.J. (1968) -
Now that Yugoslavia is rapidly becoming a European tourist centre, many herpetologists may be interested in the variety and abundance of forms which can be seen and collected there. This is a short account of the species seen during the last two weeks of March 1964 in an area so far little visited by British herpetologists. Rainfall was high during this period, in contrast apparently to the dry summer. It was understood from the local population that the visit was too early to see the larger lacertids and snakes.
Petzold, H.-G. (1966) -
Podnar, M. & Mayer, W. & Tvrftkovic, N. (2004) -
A 903 bp section of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene was sequenced from 73 specimens of Podarcis melisellensis collected at 52 localities distributed over the major part of the species´ range. In addition, parts of the 12S (about 470 bp) and 16S rRNA (about 500 bp) genes were analysed for 11 representative samples leading to a congruent phylogeny. Our study includes representatives of all 20 subspecies recognized today. The phylogenetic analysis of the sequence data revealed three main clades: mainland with nearby islands, Vis archipelago, and Lastovo archipelago. The degree of mitochondrial DNA divergence among these clades suggests a separation of the respective population groups during the earliest Pleistocene. The phylogenetic pattern observed within the species is in sharp contrast to the actual taxonomic division into subspecies. A correlation between genetic diversity of P. melisellensis populations and paleogeography of the regions they inhabit is discussed.
Radovanović, M. (1941) -
Radovanović, M. (1956) -
Radovanovic, M. (1959) -
Rössler, E. (1919) -
Rössler, E. (1920) -
Schäberle, A. (2024) -
Schreiber, E. (1912) -
Schwammer, H. & Baurecht, D. (1988) -
The lizard Podarcis melisellensis is reported to be the prey of the spider Latrodectus mactans from the Island of Krk, Yugoslavia.
Schweiger, M. (2018) -
Schweiger, M. & Müller, H. (2017) -
Schweiger, M. & Nerz, J. (2016) -
Sehnal, P. (1999) -
Sehnal, P. & Schuster, A. (1999) -
Sindaco, R. & Razzetti, E. (2021) -
This paper represents an update of the list of Italian amphibians and reptiles published 15 years ago by Razzetti et al. (2006) and of the checklist published in 1993 by the late Benedetto Lanza. At present, the Italian herpetofauna includes 100 species (41 amphibians and 59 reptiles) and an amphibian taxon of hybrid origin. Seven species and one subspecies are allochthonous and became naturalized within the last century. Since the last published list, a new species has been described (Vipera walser), five taxa have been raised to species rank (Salamandrina perspicillata, Speleomantes sarrabusensis, Zootoca carniolica, Malpolon insignitus and Natrix helvetica) while three taxa have been downgraded to subspecies. All the relevant taxonomic changes based upon new research have been discussed, including tentative revisions and controversial taxa. Nine species reported or listed dubitatively in Lanza’s 1993 list are excluded here.
Tóth, T. & Farkas, B. & Csaba, G. & Endre, S. & Halpern, B. & Molnár, Z. (2009) -
Tóth, T. & Grillitsch, H. & Farkas, B. & Gál, J. & Susic, G. (2006) -
The present detailed account of the amphibian and reptile distribution in the North Adriatic Island of Cres (Croatia) is chiefly based on literature data supplemented by new observations kindly provided by a number of correspondents or made by the authors during various trips to the island. Dot maps of the species’ distribution on Cres Island are presented. The overview is completed by information on the herpetofauna of 25 neighboring islands in the Kvarner Bay. Lacerta oxycephala DUMÉRIL & BIBRON, 1839 is reported for the first time from Cres Island.
Tóth, T. & Heltai, M. & Keszi, A. & Susic, G. & Moharos, L. & Farkas, B. & Géczy, C. & Torda, O. & Gál, J. (2017) -
the present review of the herpetofauna of the small islands of the Cres–lošinj Archipelago (Croatia) is based on literature data and observations made by the authors in 2011 to 2014. the 16 islets and islands ranging in size between 0.05 km2 (Zabodaski) and 16.92 km2 (unije) are all inhabited by at least one species of wall lizard of the genus Podarcis. the islands Koludarc, unije and veli Osir harbor Podarcis melisellensis fiumana (WeRneR, 1891), while Kormat, male Srakane, mali Plavnik, Oruda, Palacol, unije, vele Srakane, visoki and Zabodaski hold populations of Podarcis siculus campestris (RAFineSque-SChmAltZ, 1810). Both taxa are present on Plavnik, Susak and Zeča. Caretta caretta (linnAeuS, 1758), is reported for the first time from the islands of Oruda and unije, and Hierophis viridiflavus carbonarius (BOnAPARte, 1833) from Susak and unije.
Veith, G. (1991) -
Vogrin, N. (1998) -
Warnecke, R. (1998) -
Werner, F. (1891) -
Werner, F. (1899) -
Werner, F. (1905) -
Werner, F. (1920) -
Wiedemann, M. (1909) -
Zauner, J. & Böckl, W. & Zill, M. (2010) -