× Cyrtodactylus kotschyi tinensig n. subsp. is olescribed
as ä hew subspecies from Tinos. This subspecies is
distinguished from C. k. saronicus by the larger number of
tubercles on the thigh. lt` is distributed on Andros too,
while Ce k. kotschyi occurs on the Syros-Archipelago, and
intermediate popülations between C. k, tinensis n. subsp.
and C. k. saronicus ranging over Seriphos, Jyaros, Myconos,
Naxe, Ikaria and the adjacent Islands. From-Ikaria, Agama
stellio daani n. subsp. is described. It differs from A. s.
stellio in its blackish grey instead of yellow or red head,
the dark spotted throat and in serological characters. All
^^ A» s`^1^0 whi0^ h-as tieen added to the nominate sub-
sp ecTe^~Toj^iirly belong to this subspecies, beside those
of the Mycpnos-Archipelago which have to remain to A.s,
stellio. The Podarcis erhardi from Syros and Stapod`ia do
not belong to P. e. `mykoriensis; they intermediate between
this subspecies and` P.e. naxensis. Also Matrix natriy from
the Northern Cyclades`does not belong to` N. n^persa but
intermediate between this rac?e and H. n> schw`eizerT7 The
green`lizards of Tinos are Lacgrta triliheata; this race,
now named L. t. citrovittata occurs also on Andros and
probably on Mycöno s toQ,`while the L. trilineata of Syros
belong to the same race as those from Naxe.`
The records of ERHARD, V. HELPREICH and ERBER (partly) were omitted out of the qhecklist as very doubtful. Tab. 2
Shows which kinds of amphibians and reptiles occur on the
Northern Cyclades`. The following species were first recorded
fropi several Islands in th^s paper: Cyrtodactylus kotschyi
(Tragonisi), Hemidae-frylus turcicus (Aridros, Tinos, Hyconos,
Jyaros), Agamä^atglljo (Riniaj, PocLarcIs erhardi (Tragonisi,
Stapodia, Cherrönisi, Strongylo~7 Schinonisi, Aspronisi,
Hegalo and Hikro Gaidaronisi), Ablepharus kitaibelii
(Jyaros, Rinia), Elaphe situla (Tinos), Elaphe quatuor—^
`Ij.nea.tj9. (Tipps), Natrlx`.hätriy (Tinos), Confirination is
givep` `to many recörds, especially from the last Century
(s, £ig. 1, tab. 2).
The herpetofaunas of Andros, Tinos and the Myconos-
Archipelago are y^ry similar, while that of Syros resembles
more those of the Centra,! Cyclades. In summing up the
differences between the Northern Cyclades and the •Western
or Central Cyclades are rather small. The herpetofauna of
Ikaria is rather similar to that of the Northern Cyclades
too. But there are large differences between the herpeto-
fauna of the Cyclades and that of the mainland and Euboee.
In the case of the amphibians and reptiles, the wetland
and the terrassed fields, many of them are abandoned now
and give rise to phryganas, ma,cchias and secondary `woodlands
with all stages of succession, are the most important
habitats. But phryganas and intensively cultivated areas
were settled by few species only, and in the towns only
Hemidactylus turcicus occurs. More extended rocky areas
^ithbüf äny` Vegetation do not bear any amphibians or
reptiles. Those species which are restricted merely to
wetlands like Bufo bufo, Bufo viridis, Rana ridibunda,
M caspica, L`acer.ta trilineata ahd Nafrlx natrix are
rather `endangered `on the` Northern Cyclades by habitat
destruction, and some populations of these species may
have disappeared in the meantime.