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of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
Darevskia caucasica caucasica (MÉHELY, 1909)
Bischoff, W. (1978) -
The final part of a series of papers on the lizards of the Caucasus, that have been published in previous years. The paper reports on the life habits, capture and keeping in terraria of several lizards of Soviet Transcaucasia. In these respects the agamid Phrynocephalus helioscopus persi- cus and three species of the lacertid genus Eremias occuring in that area (i. e. strauchi, velox, pleskei) are discussed. Finally a !ist of all lizard species and subspecies actually known to occur in this region is given.
Bischoff, W. (2003) -
In Georgia, 16 species of rock lizards of the Genus Darevskia are occuring (D. alpina, D. „armeniaca`, D. brauneri, D. caucasica, D. clarkorum, D. daghestanica, D. „dahli`, D. derjugini, D. mixta, D. nairensis, D. parvula, D. portschinskii, D. praticola, D. rudis, D. „unisexualis` and D. Valentini). Besides short presentations of the single species and hints on their distribution and habitats, also some systematic remarks are given.
Borkin, L.Ya. & Darevsky, I.S. (1987) -
Боркин Л.Я. & Даревский И.С. (1987) -
Darevsky, I.S. (1978) -
Doronin, I.V. (2013) -
Доронин, И.В. (2013) -
Doronin, I.V. & Dzhelali, P.A. & Lotiev, K.Yu. & Mazanaeva, L.F. & Mustafaeva, G.A. & Bunyatova S.N. (2021) -
The range of superspecific complex of rock lizards Darevskia (caucasica) (D. alpina, D. c. caucasica, D. c. vedeni- ca, D. daghestanica) includes the Main Caucasian ridge and its spurs on the southern and northern macroslopes within heights from 500 m to 3200 m above sea level. A fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1096 bp) was analyzed in 48 specimens of these lizards. Specimens were collected in 23 localities. We have found 39 unique haplotypes. The minimum genetic diversity was found in D. c. vedenica, maximum in D. c. caucasica. All taxa of the complex, except for D. c. vedenica, demonstrate genetic heterogeneity. Four clades can be distinguished on the dendrogram of phylogenetic relationships. They correspond to D. alpina, D. c. caucasica, D. c. vedenica, D. dagh- estanica. D. c. caucasica forms two distinct haplogroups. On the phylogenetic tree, the sample of D. c. vedenica formed an independent clade close to D. c. caucasica. The Darevskia (caucasica) complex is polyphyletic accord- ing to the analysis of the mitochondrial marker. Nucleotide sequences of D. alpina formed a single clade with Darevskia (saxicola) complex representatives and combined with the sequences of D. brauneri into subclade. On the example of the population of D. daghestanica, found in a forest biotope without rocky outcrops and genetically not differing from individuals from the adjacent territory, the ability of rocky lizards to master biotopes unusual for them in a short period of time was demonstrated. This example demonstrates the ability of rock lizards to adapt to unusual biotopes in a short period of time. Genetic distance between D. c. vedenica and D. c. caucasica is com- parable to the distance between D. c. caucasica and D. daghestanica. We assume the existence of an independent form of D. caucasica ssp. inhabiting South Ossetia and adjacent territories.
И.В. Доронин, П.А. Джелали, К.Ю. Лотиев, Л.Ф. Мазанаева, Г.А. Мустафаева5 и С.Н. Буньятова (2021) -
Ареал представителей комплекса Darevskia (caucasica) (D. alpina, D. с. caucasica, D. c. vedenica, D. daghes- tanica) охватывает Главный Кавказский хребет и его отроги на южном и северном макросклонах в пре- делах высот от 500 м до 3200 м над уровнем моря. В работе проанализирован участок митохондриаль- ного гена цитохрома b (1096 п.н.) от 48 особей этих ящериц, собранных в 23 локалитетах. Обнаружены 39 уникальных гаплотипов. Минимальные значения показателей генетического разнообразия выяв- лены у D. c. vedenica, максимальные – у D. c. caucasica. Все таксоны комплекса, за исключением ве- денской ящерицы, демонстрируют генетическую гетерогенность. На дендрограмме филогенетических отношений можно выделить четыре клады, соответствующие D. alpina, D. с. caucasica, D. c. vedenica, D. daghestanica. D. с. caucasica формирует две обособленные гаплогруппы. Выборка веденской ящерицы сформировала самостоятельную кладу на дереве, близкую по положению к номинативному подвиду кавказской ящерицы. По митохондриальному маркеру комплекс Darevskia (caucasica) полифилетичен: нуклеотидные последовательности D. alpina сформировали единую кладу с Darevskia (saxicola), обра- зовав субкладу с последовательностями D. brauneri. Пример популяции D. daghestanica, обнаруженной в лесном биотопе без скальных выходов и генетически не отличающейся от особей с сопредельной тер- ритории, свидетельствует о способности скальных ящериц осваивать не свойственные им биотопы за короткий период времени. Генетическая дистанция между D. c. vedenica и D. с. caucasica сопоставима с таковой для пары D. с. caucasica и D. daghestanica. Мы предполагаем наличие самостоятельной формы D. caucasica ssp., обитающей в Южной Осетии и на сопредельных территориях.
Dzhelali, P.A. & Doronin, I.V. & Lotiev, K.Y. & Mazanaeva, L.F. & Mustafifaeva, G.A. & Bunyatova, S.N. (2021) -
Ineich, I. & Doronin, I.V. & Cheylan, M. & Campbell, P.D. (2019) -
Several recent papers have reviewed the life and work of French herpetologist Louis Amédée Lantz. They have detailed the composition of his collections deposited in several museums. However, since then, several other important specimens from his collections deposited at the Natural History Museum (NHM, UK) have come to light and we here present all of them in detail. We discovered paralectotypes of Lacerta saxicola obscura Lantz & Cyrén (BMNH 1918.11.21.5–7), syntypes of Lacerta boemica Sukhov (BMNH 1960.1.4.26–30, BMNH 1965.337–342) and Lacerta viridis media Lantz & Cyrén (BMNH 1960.1.4.25, 1966.512). We also identified numerous specimens from the French Mediterranean islands in Lantz’s collection deposited at the NHM, some of which represent the first reported specimens of their species from certain islands. We here provide data on all these specimens. We also place the Mediterranean island specimens from the Lantz collection in their historical context and emphasize the historical and taxonomic value of these collections.
Lishchuk, A.V. & Doronin, I.V. & Kukushkin, O.V. (2024) -
Anatomical-morphological features of the postcranial skeleton of nine taxa of the rock lizards of the genus Darevskia Arribas, 1999 belonging to the Darevskia (caucasica) and Darevskia (saxicola) complexes were studied for the first time on representative samples. Specimens with the rib formula 3+1 were found in both complexes (previously, only two variants were known for the genus Darevskia 3+2 and 3+3). Differences between supraspe- cific groups and their members were described with the use of type specimens or topotypes of each taxon. The studied complexes are differentiated by the range of variability of presacral vertebrae (in the D. (caucasica) their minimum number is 26, in the D. (saxicola) – 27), the number of the posterior presacral vertebrae with ribs (the average value of this trait in the D. (caucasica) is less than 6, in D. (saxicola) – more than 6). B-type of the tail vertebrae in 5 times more common in the D. (saxicola) than in the D. (caucasica). In turn, the latter group is cha- racterized by a larger share of individuals with ossified ribs at the third cervical vertebra and a greater variability of the sternal-xiphisternal costal (rib) formula. Skeletal morphology of D. alpina indicates its greater similarity with representatives of the D. (caucasica) complex. A certain originality of D. c. vedenica was recorded. The study of D. saxicola specimens from the zone of sympatry with D. c. caucasica (Chegem Gorge) did not reveal their simi- larity with the latter, except for the presence of two variants of the sternal-xiphisternal formula. Cryptic forms within D. lindholmi differ at least in two traits: the minimum number of posterior presacral vertebrae with short ribs and the presence of individuals with caudal vertebrae of B-type.
А.В. Лищу1, И.В. Доронин & О.В. Кукушкин (2024) -
Впервые на репрезентативных выборках изучены анатомо-морфологические особенности посткра- ниального скелета девяти таксонов скальных ящериц рода Darevskia Arribas, 1999, принадлежащих к комплексам Darevskia (caucasica) и Darevskia (saxicola). В обоих комплексах найдены особи с ре- берной формулой 3+1 (ранее для рода Darevskia были известны только два варианта – 3+2 и 3+3). Описаны различия между надвидовыми комплексами и входящими в них таксонами с использова- нием типовых экземпляров или топотипов. Изученные комплексы дифференцируются по размаху изменчивости количества пресакральных позвоноков (у D. (caucasica) их минимальное число – 26, у D. (saxicola) – 27), количеству последних пресакральных позвонков с ребрами (среднее значение этого признака у D. (caucasica) меньше 6, у D. (saxicola) – больше 6). У D. (saxicola) B-тип хвостовых позвонков встречается в 5 раз чаще, чем у D. (caucasica). В свою очередь последняя группа харак- теризуется заметно большей долей особей с окостеневшими ребрами при третьем шейном позвон- ке и большей вариабельностью реберной формулы. Данные по морфологии скелета D. alpina свиде- тельствуют о ее большем сходстве с представителями комплекса D. (caucasica). Установлено опре- деленное своеобразие D. c. vedenica. Изучение особей D. saxicola из зоны симпатрии с D. c. caucasica (Чегемское ущелье) не выявило их сходства c последней, кроме наличия двух вариантов реберной формулы. Криптические формы внутри D. lindholmi различаются как минимум по двум признакам: наименьшему количеству последних пресакральных позвонков с короткими ребрами и наличию осо- бей с B-типом хвостовых позвонков.
Méhely, L. (1909) -
Muskheliswili, T.A. & Njegmjedzanov, W.A. (1978) -
Roitberg, E.S. (1994) -
About 170 specimens of L. c. caucasica and L. c. daghestanica from two localities where they had been found to coexist sympatrically, were studied for color pattern and 7 meristic scale characters. In Khorachoi (south-eastern Chechnya) the specimens of the two forms differ clearly by their dorsal pattern and form two sharply discrete classes along PCI in the principal component analyses of scalation; a distinct hiatus between the two taxa was revealed for the superciliary granulae number. In Khvarshi (western Daghestan), the morphological separation between the two forms is somewhat weaker than in Khorachoi for both scalation and color pattern. Some reproductive isolation between L. c. caucasica and L. c. daghestanica in the studied sections of their contact zone is proposed.
Roitberg, E.S. (1999) -
Five sympatric populations of Lacerta caucasica (s. st.) and L. daghestanica from the eastern North Caucasus were examined for color pattern (qualitatively) and seven scalation and five morphometric characters by using multivariate and univariate biometrical procedures. In all five localities, daghestanica form differs from caucasica one in having more scales in different meristic rows (scales around midbody, ventrals, femoral pores, superciliary granules, temporals, but not circumanalia), relatively long, narrow and flattened head and longer hindlegs. The degree of phenetic separation between these: two sympatric forms was found to vary from a distinct specific level in the South-East of Chechen Republic to a slight intergradation in southwestern Daghestan. These differences in the level of morphological separation manifest themselves both in scalation and morphomerty, but the latter set of characteristic was less discriminative. Taking into account some features of geographic relations between daghestanica and caucasica forms, it was suggested that different portions of their contact zone had fixed different stages of evolutionary divergence.
Troidl, A. & Troidl, S. (2003) -