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of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
Ophisops leschenaultii (MILNE-EDWARDS, 1829)
Aengals, R. & Sathish Kumar, V.M. & Jafer Palot, M. (2012) -
Agarwal, I. & Ramakrishnan, U. (2017) -
Aim India is dominated by tropical grassy biomes (TGBs), traditionally considered seres or degraded forest, with low diversity relative to the restricted, ancestral wet zone. It is unclear if Indian grasslands and other open habitats are anthropogenically derived or native, old-growth habitats; without a clear timescale of grassland evolution. One way to understand grassland evolution is to study the diversification in taxa restricted to open habitats. We use a dated phylogeny of Ophisops to address questions related to the origin, diversification and inter-relationships of Indian and Saharo-Arabian Ophisops, and ultimately the origin of Indian grasslands and open habitats. Location The Indian subcontinent; the Saharo-Arabian Realm. Methods We generated up to 2736 base pairs of aligned sequence data (one mitochondrial, two nuclear genes) for Indian lacertids and reconstructed phylogenetic relationships using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference. We use a fossil-calibrated timetree, diversification analyses and ancestral area reconstructions to test the hypotheses of origin and relationships with Saharo-Arabian Ophisops. Results Ophisops is strongly supported as monophyletic, with a basal split into a large-bodied (LBC) and small-bodied clade (SBC). The Saharo-Arabian species are nested within the Indian species in the LBC. Species diversity in Indian Ophisops is grossly underestimated, with 26–47 candidate species. Ophisops began diversifying in the late Oligocene with significant rate shifts in the late Miocene-Pliocene and Pleistocene within the SBC. Main conclusions Our results are consistent with an ancient origin of grassland taxa and TGBs in India. Ophisops is a dramatic example of overlooked cryptic diversity outside forests, with ~30 species where five were known. Ophisops dispersed into India from the Saharo-Arabian Realm in the Oligocene with a back dispersal in the Middle Miocene, a novel biogeographical pattern. Diversification in the SBC of Ophisops increased 8-fold during the global C4 grassland expansion. Indian TGBs are old-growth ecosystems that need urgent conservation attention.
Arnold, E.N. (1986) -
The basic anatomy of the lacertid hemipenis (intromittent organ) and methods for its investigation are described. In many members of the Lacertidae, the hemipenis has a structure quite unlike that of other squamate reptiles: the distal lobes of the retracted organ are complexly folded and there is a well-defined supporting structure of dense connective tissue, the armature. This incorporates blood sinuses and has an intramuscular portion embedded in the m. retractor penis magnus and two club-shaped bodies, the clavulae, that support the lobes in the erect organ. Unarmatured hemipenes occur in some lacertids and, like those of other squamates, possess sac-like lobes in the retracted state, but they are singular in having the lobes invested by the m. retractor penis magnus. It is argued that many of these apparently primitive hemipenes are in fact secondary derivatives of the armatured type. There is considerable inter-specific variation in hemipenial structure which is described systematically. In some cases this involves differences in size, asymmetry and simplification, which may arise as physical isolating mechanisms and is useful in distinguishing otherwise very similar species, particularly in the genus Mesalina (p. 1253). Other shared derived hemipenial features provide useful information about relationships between species and higher taxa and a summary of the hypotheses that they support is given (p. 1254).
Arnold, E.N. (2002) -
Differences in surface structure (ober- hautchen) of body scales of lacertid lizards involve cell size, shape and surface profile, presence or absence of fine pitting, form of cell margins, and the occurrence of longitudinal ridges and pustular projections. Phylogenetic information indicates that the primitive pattern involved narrow strap-shaped cells, with low posteriorly overlapping edges and relatively smooth surfaces. Deviations from this condition produce a more sculptured surface and have developed many times, although subsequent overt reversals are uncommon. Like variations in scale shape, different patterns of dorsal body microornamentation appear to confer different and conflicting performance advantages. The primitive pattern may reduce friction during locomotion and also enhances dirt shedding, especially in ground-dwelling forms from moist habitats. However, this smooth microornamentation generates shine that may compromise cryptic coloration, especially when scales are large. Many derived features show correlation with such large scales and appear to suppress shine. They occur most frequently in forms from dry habitats or forms that climb in vegetation away from the ground, situations where dirt adhesion is less of a problem. Microornamentation differences involving other parts of the body and other squamate groups tend to corroborate this functional interpretation. Microornamentation features can develop on lineages in different orders and appear to act additively in reducing shine. In some cases different combinations may be optimal solutions in particular environments, but lineage effects, such as limited reversibility and different developmental proclivities, may also be important in their genesis. The fine pits often found on cell surfaces are unconnected with shine reduction, as they are smaller than the wavelengths of most visible light.
Bischoff, W. (1991) -
Boulenger, G.A. (1887) -
Boulenger, G.A. (1890) -
Boulenger, G.A. (1921) -
Chaitanya, R. & Khandekar, A. & Caleb, D.G. & Mukherjee, N. & Ghosh, A. & Giri, V. (2018) -
Herpetofaunal surveys were conducted in the Meghamalai Wildlife Sanctuary in southern Tamil Nadu, India, over a period of two years, to assess species richness in this landscape. Sixty-four species of reptiles from 15 families and 31 species of amphibians from nine families were recorded. Eight species of reptiles and five species of amphibians are reported here for the first time, including the first record of a caecilian (Uraeotyphlus sp.) from this landscape. The rediscovery of a potentially divergent population of wood snake, bearing the now defunct nomen Xylophis indicus (presently in the synonymy of X. stenorhynchus), is reported c.140 years after its original description. A revised, collated checklist, accommodating taxonomic revisions from the recent past, is presented based on our surveys and prior literature. It constitutes 99 species of reptiles and 41 species of amphibians–a remarkable diversity that beseeches concerted conservation action in the region.
Das, I. (1996) -
Deraniyagala, P.E.P. (1953) -
Duméril, A.M.C. & Bibron, G. (1839) -
Fitch, H.S. (1970) -
Ganesh, S.R. & Chandramouli, S.R. (2017) -
Ganesh, S.R. & Kalaimani, A. & Karthik, P. & Baskaran, N. & Nagarajan, R. & Chandramouli, S.R. (2018) -
We surveyed for herpetofauna along the poorly-explored sections of Southern Eastern Ghats. This 1000 hours-long large scale survey covered ranges stretching from near Western Ghats eastwards to the Coroman- del Coastal Plains, across a longitudinal gradient. Study area consisting of the tall and wet Bilgiri-Melagiri massifs to the west and the low and dry South Arcot and North Arcot ranges to the east were selected and surveyed. We recorded a total of 95 species including 23 species of amphibians, 35 species of lizards and 37 species of snakes. A descriptive species accounts with photographic vouchers is presented. Noteworthy find- ings include significant new range records for many wet-zone taxa and a few dry-zone taxa from hitherto fore under-surveyed regions. This includes many rare and range-restricted ones and newly described little-known taxa. The study highlights the importance of landscape-level, long-term fieldwork to unravel the hidden di- versity of tropical montane regions like the Eastern Ghats.
Gray, J.E. (1831) -
Gray, J.E. (1838) -
Janzen, P. (2021) -
Karthgik, P. & Nagarajan, R. & Kalimanio, A. (2018) -
Karthik, P. & Kalaimani, A. & Nagarajan, R. (2018) -
The report contributes to the community structure of the amphibians and reptiles and provides prelimi- nary information on species diversity and their microhabitat association in Gingee hills. Gingee hills are located in Southern Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu and lying between 12°14 ́ N, 79°23 ́E. The forest habi- tats are composed of mixed dry deciduous forest and thorn scrub forest. A detailed herpetofauna survey was conducted from December 2015 to March 2016. Data collection were carried out by using Time Constrained Visual Encounter Survey method. Of 120 man hours harbors 56 species of herpetofauna, besides 15 species of amphibians belonging to 10 genera and 41 species of reptiles belonging to 30 gene- ra were recorded, of which 21 species were ophidians (55%) and 20 species of lizards (45%). The micro- climatic analysis of amphibian the temperature varied with 29.4oC ± 3.57°C and 30.8oC ± 2.73°C for reptiles. The amphibian humidity varied with 66.1±14.01% and 61.1 ± 10.21% for reptiles. The niche overlap index shows that many amphibian and reptiles overlapping between each other with maximum value of 0.98. This report indicated that the area is notably large in size of the richness of amphibians and reptiles.
Kumar, G.C. & Srinivasulus, C. & Prasad, K.K. (2017) -
Madawala, M. & Surasinghe, T. & De Silva, A. & Gabadage, D. & Botejue, M. & Peabotuwage, I. & Kandambi, D. & Karunarathna, S. (2019) -
Jaffna peninsula is quite an unexplored area of Sri Lanka’s lowland dry zone. We constructed a species checklist for all herpetofauna of this area based on a short-term field survey, a comprehensive literature review, museum specimens, and observations made by field herpetologists. Based on 200 × 10 m belt transects, we surveyed herpetofauna both during day and night time, in 10 different types of habitats. The species checklist we compiled comprised 44 species of reptiles (including three nationally threatened, one globally threatened, and eight endemic species) and 15 species of amphibians (including one nationally threatened and three endemic species). Based on published literature, museum specimens, expert opinions, and current field survey, we documented 85 species of herpetofauna in this area. Of this entire list, we were unable to record the presence of 25 species through our field survey. Our field survey documented 18 species that were not previously reported from Jaffna Peninsula. Our study revealed that inland water bodies, cultivated lands, home gardens, and coastal beaches are of high impor- tance for native herpetofauna of Jaffna peninsula. Many human disturbances, such as habitat alterations, vengeful killing, consumption overexploitation, and road mortality are the key threats encountered by herpetofauna in Jaffna. Our intention of this study is to compile baseline information on diversity of amphibians and reptiles to support more detailed studies in future and assist conservation and management decisions within the region. We believe that our study will provide a basic foundation for conservation planning and future research.
Meiri, S. (2008) -
Aim Body size is instrumental in influencing animal physiology, morphology, ecology and evolution, as well as extinction risk. I examine several hypotheses regarding the influence of body size on lizard evolution and extinction risk, assessing whether body size influences, or is influenced by, species richness, herbivory, island dwelling and extinction risk. Location World-wide. Methods I used literature data and measurements of museum and live specimens to estimate lizard body size distributions. Results I obtained body size data for 99% of the world`s lizard species. The body size–frequency distribution is highly modal and right skewed and similar distributions characterize most lizard families and lizard assemblages across biogeographical realms. There is a strong negative correlation between mean body size within families and species richness. Herbivorous lizards are larger than omnivorous and carnivorous ones, and aquatic lizards are larger than non-aquatic species. Diurnal activity is associated with small body size. Insular lizards tend towards both extremes of the size spectrum. Extinction risk increases with body size of species for which risk has been assessed. Main conclusions Small size seems to promote fast diversification of disparate body plans. The absence of mammalian predators allows insular lizards to attain larger body sizes by means of release from predation and allows them to evolve into the top predator niche. Island living also promotes a high frequency of herbivory, which is also associated with large size. Aquatic and nocturnal lizards probably evolve large size because of thermal constraints. The association between large size and high extinction risk, however, probably reflects a bias in the species in which risk has been studied.
Milne-Edwards, M.H. (1829) -
Murthy, T.S.N. (1990) -
Murthy, T.S.N. (2010) -
Silva, A. de & Austin, C.C. & Bauer, A. & Goonewardene, S. & Hawke, Z. & Vanneck, V. & Drion, A. & Goonasekera, M.M. (2004) -
Somaweera, R. & Somaweera, N. (2009) -
Srinivasulu, C. & Das, I. (2008) -
We present an inventory of the herpetofauna of the Nallamala Hills, Eastern Ghats, south-eastern India. The fauna, as currently known, includes 20 species of amphibians belonging to 14 genera in six families and 64 species of reptiles belonging to 42 genera in 15 families. Divided in habitat types, the herpetofauna can be classified into species tolerant of disturbed habitats; exclusively scrub species (and for reptiles, from rocky biotopes); scrub and bordering agricultural fields; and exclusively mesic forest species. For one species, lack of ecological information precludes its allocation to a specific habitat category. Significant diversity of squamates (including gekkonids, scincids, and colubrids) are known from these ranges, several of which endemic or largely restricted to scrub forests of Peninsular India. Mesic forests remain poorly explored, and support hitherto undescribed species among the herpetofauna. Adaptations seen amongst the herpetofauna of the Nallamala Hills include a diversity of dietary and habitat types, including, among amphibians, ant specialists; predators of small vertebrates; folivores; fossorial; terrestrial; aquatic or aquatic-margin; and arboreal forms. Amongst reptiles, adaptive types includes ant- and worm-eaters; predator of crop pests; predator of small or medium-sized vertebrate prey; egg-predators; fish-eaters; frog- and toadeaters; and one near-exclusive snake-eater. In terms of habitat usage, reptiles exceed amphibians in species richness, on account of their greater capacity of surviving in relatively arid regions. The Eastern Ghats contributes significantly to both species richness and endemicity of the Indian region, including representatives of endemic genera and species. Nonetheless, these hills continue to receive less attention for conservation compared to the relatively better-known Western Ghats.
Suranjan Karunarathna, D.M S. & Thasun Amarasinghe, A.A. (2011) -
Nilgala Conservation Forest Area (NCFA) is an intermediate zone forest situated in the south east of Sri Lanka. During our four-year study we recorded 70 species of reptiles, which represents about 33% of the total Sri Lankan reptile fauna. This number includes eighteen species that are recorded from the NCFA for the first time and ten nationally threatened species. Ten unidentified species were also recorded during the survey period. The results of this study indicate that the Nilgala forest area supports a rich reptile faunal diversity. Unfortunately, this important forest is threatened by fire, illegal logging, chena cultivation, rubber plantation, granite rock blasting, gem mining and road kills. It should be considered an area of high conservation priority.
Tikader, B.K. & Sharma, R.C. (1992) -
Venugopal, P.D. (2010) -
Over the past two decades many checklists of reptiles of India and adjacent countries have been published. These publications have furthered the growth of knowledge on systematics, distribution and biogeography of Indian reptiles, and the field of herpetology in India in general. However, the reporting format of most such checklists of Indian reptiles does not provide a basis for direct verification of the information presented. As a result, mistakes in the inclusion and omission of species have been perpetuated and the exact number of reptile species reported from India still remains unclear. A verification of the current listings based on distributional records and review of published checklists revealed that 199 species of lizards (Reptilia: Sauria) are currently validly reported on the basis of distributional records within the boundaries of India. Seventeen other lizard species have erroneously been included in earlier checklists of Indian reptiles. Omissions of species by these checklists have been even more numerous than erroneous inclusions. In this paper, I present a plea to report species lists as annotated checklists which corroborate the inclusion and omission of species by providing valid source references or notes.
Ziesmann, S. & Klaas, P. & Janzen, P. (2007) -