Ophisops pushkarensis   AGARWAL et al., 2018

Ophisops pushkarensis   AGARWAL et al., 2018

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  • Agarwal, I. & Khandekar, A. & Ramakrishnan, U. & Vyas, R. & Giri, V.B. (2018) -  Two new species of the Ophisops microlepis (Squamata: Lacertidae) complex from northwestern India with a key to Indian Ophisops. -  Journal of Natural History, London, 52 (13-16): 819-847.    

  • Patel, H. & Vyas, R. (2019) -  Reptiles of Gujarat, India: Updated Checklist, Distribution, and Conservation Status. -  Herpetology Notes, 12: 765-777.