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  • Brito, J.C. & Rebelo, H. & Crochet, P.-A. & Geniez, P. (2008) -  Data on the distribution of amphibians and reptiles from North and West Africa, with emphasis on Acanthodactylus lizards and the Sahara Desert. -  Herpetological Bulletin, 105: 19-27.  

  • Chabanaud, P (1918) -  Étude d’une collection de reptiles de l’Afrique Occidentale Française, récemment donnée au Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Paris par le Dr G. Bouet, avec la description de deux espèces nouvelles. -  Bulletin du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, 24: 160-166.  

  • Crochet, P.-A. & Geniez, P. & Ineich, I. (2003) -  A multivariate analysis of the fringe-toed lizards of the Acanthodactylus scutellatus group (Squamata: Lacertidae) systematics and biogeographical implications. -  Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 137 (1): 117-155.    

  • Gonçalves, D.V. & Álvares, F. & Brito, J.C. (2013) -  Data on the distribution of herpetofauna of southern Niger with comments on Termit & Tin Toumma National Nature Reserve. -  Boletin de la Asociación Herpetológica Española, 24 (1): 74-79.    

  • Großhans, R. (2017) -  Bibliografie der Familie Lacertidae. Band 4: Acanthodactylus WIEGMANN, 1834 - Fransenfingereidechsen. -  Verlag epubli. 112 pp.  

  • Ineich, I. & Chirio, L. & Ascani, M. & Rabeil, T. & Newby, J. (2014) -  Herpetofauna of Termit Massif and neighbour areas in Tenere Desert, southeastern Niger, West Africa. -  Herpetology Notes, 7: 375-390.    

  • Lewin, A. & Feldman, A. & Bauer, A.M. & Belmaker, J. & Broadley, D.G. & Chirio, L. & Itescu, Y. & LeBreton, M. & Maza, E. & Meirte, D. & Nagy, Z.T. & Novosolov, M. & Roll, U. & Tallowin, O. & Trape, J.-F. & Vidan, E. & Meiri, S. (2016) -  Patterns of species richness, endemism and environmental gradients of African reptiles. -  Journal of Biogeography, 43 (12): 2380-2390.    

  • Meiri, S. (2008) -  Evolution and ecology of lizard body sizes. -  Global Ecology and Biogeography, 17 (6): 724-734.    

  • Padial, J.M. (2006) -  Commented distributional list of the reptiles of Mauritania (West Africa). -  Graellsia, 62 (2): 159-178.     

  • Schlüter, U. (2010) -  Fransenfingereidechsen (Acanthodactylus) in der Natur und im Terrarium. Teil 5b: Die Acanthodactylus-scutellatus-Gruppe. -  Reptilia, Münster, 15 (4): 62-66.  

  • Sow, A.S. & Martínez-Freiría, F. & Crochet, P.-A. & Geniez, P. & Ineich, I. & Dieng, H. & Fahd, S. & Brito, J.C. (2014) -  Atlas of the distribution of reptiles in the Parc National du Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania -  Basic and Applied Herpetology, 28: 99-111    

  • Tamar, K. & Carranza, S. & Sindaco, R. & Moravec, J. & Trape, J.-F. & Meiri, S. (2016) -  Out of Africa: Phylogeny and biogeography of the widespread genus Acanthodactylus (Reptilia: Lacertidae).  -  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 103: 6-18.    

  • Trapé, J.-F. & Trapé, S. & Chirio, L. (2012) -  Lézards, crocodiles et tortues d`Afrique occidentale et du Sahara. -  IRD Éditions, Marseille. 503 pp.  

  • Vicente Liz, A. & Rödder, D. & Vasconcelos Goncalves, D. & Velo-Antón, G. & Tarroso, P. & Geniez, P. & Crochet, P.-A. & Carvalho, S.B. & Brito, J.C. (2022) -  Overlooked species diversity in the hyper-arid Sahara Desert unveiled by dryland-adapted lizards. -  Journal of Biogeography. 2022; 00: 1-15.     

  • Vicente Liz, A. & Rödder, D. & Vasconcelos Goncalves, D.V. & Velo-Antón, G. & Geniez, P. & Crochet, P.A. & Brito, J.C. (2021) -  Phylogeny and biogeography of the Acanthodactylus scutellatus species complex in North Africa. -  In: Biaggini, M., Carretero, M.A., Corti, C., Lymberakis P. & P. Lo Cascio (eds.): XI International Symposium on Mediterranean Lacertid Lizards, 27/28 Sept. 2021. pp. 26-27.