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Literature- and poster projects
of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
agilis garzoni PALACIOS & CASTROVIEJO, 1975
Holotype: MNCN 44271, female
Terra Typica:
Type locality: “Falda oeste del Puig de Basa, Tossas, Pirineos, provincia de Gerona, España. 1850 msnm”
Relevant taxonomic literature:
Palacios, F. & Castroviejo, J. (1975) -
Arribas, O.J. (2001) -
A survey on the geogtraphical variation of scalation in the Sand lizard was done by means of both univariate (ANOVA) and multivariate (Canonical discriminant Analysis and cluster of the Mahalanobis distances among centroids). Our results show the existence of two clearly separated groups, in concordance with previous authors. Lacerta agilis garzoni is enough differentiated to by considered a valid subspecies. Lacerta agilis argus is a mere synonym of Lacerta agilis agilis. Lacerta agilis chersonensis despite their overall similarity in pattern and coloration to the so-called Balcanic group belongs to the Caucasic one. Data on the currently known habitat and chorology of Lacerta agilis garzoni are given.
Andorra, France, Spain
agilis garzoni: 14 references
Andorra “Wild” pictures (8)
Southern France “Wild” pictures (4)
Spain “Wild” pictures (4)
Lacerta agilis garzoni © 2016 Birgit & Peter Oefinger