Turkey: Southern Anatolia. Greece: Psomi island (9) northeast of Kastellorizo island. 




Lacerta oertzeni ibrahimi   EISELT & SCHMIDTLER, 1986

Lacerta oertzeni finikensis  EISELT & SCHMIDTLER, 1986

Lacerta oertzeni budaki   EISELT & SCHMIDTLER, 1986

Anatololacerta pelasgiana finikensis   MAYER, 2015

Anatololacerta budaki   BELLATI et al., 2015

Anatololacerta pelasgiana budaki   MAYER, 2015


Holotype (Lacerta oertzeni budaki EISELT & SCHMIDTLER, 1986): NMW 26751
Holotype (Lacerta oertzeni finikensis EISELT & SCHMIDTLER, 1986): NMW 18355
Holotype (Lacerta oertzeni ibrahimi EISELT & SCHMIDTLER, 1986): ZSM 59/1983

Terra Typica:

“2.5 km N Çobanisa (25 km NE Elmalı), Vilayet Antalya, ca. 1200m”.

Taxonomic notes:

Until new research is conclusive on the j population group (Lacerta oertzeni ibrahimi) from EISELT & SCHMIDTLER (1986), we shall include the lizards of the central southern Anatolian coastal region into Anatololacerta budaki .

www.lacerta.de, 2019

Relevant taxonomic literature:

  • Bellati, A. & Carranza, S. & Garcia-Porta, J. & Fasola, M. & Sindaco, R. (2015) -  Cryptic diversity within the Anatololacerta species complex (Squamata: Lacertidae) in the Anatolian Peninsula: Evidence from a multi-locus approach. -  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 82 (Part A): 219-233.    

  • Mayer, W. (2015) -  Die Taxa der Familie Lacertidae – eine kommentierte Liste. (Zuletzt aktualisiert am 04.07.2015). -  lacerta.de. 62 pp.  

  • Kalaentzis, K. & Strachinis, I. & Katsiyiannis, P. & Oefinger, P. & Kazilas, C. (2018) -  New records and an updated list of the herpetofauna of Kastellorizo and the adjacent islet Psomi (Dodecanese, SE Greece).  -  Herpetology Notes, 11: 1009-1019.