Western Pontine Islands / Isola di Gavi. 


Podarcis latastei lanzai  (MERTENS, 1967)


Lacerta sicula lanzai  MERTENS, 1967


Holotype: SMF 58827

Terra Typica:

Isola di Gavi.

Relevant taxonomic literature:

  • Mertens, R. (1967) -  Description of Podarcis latastei lanzai. In: “Die Reptilien der Pontinischen Inseln” -  Senckenbergiana biologica, Frankfurt/Main, 48: 125-144.   

  • Senczuk, G. & Castiglia, R. & Böhme, W. & Corti, C. (2019) -  Podarcis siculus latastei (Bedriaga, 1879) of the western Pontine islands (Italy) raised to the species rank, and a brief taxonomic overview of Podarcis lizards. -  Acta Herpetologica, 14 (2): 71-80.    




Podarcis latastei lanzai  © 2019 Senczuk et al.