| Lacerta oxycephala var. hispanica STEINDACHNER, 1870 Podarcis hispanica ENGELMANN et al, 1993 Podarcis hispanica hispanica GENIEZ, 2001 Podarcis hispanica virescens GENIEZ, 2001 Podarcis hispanicus Galera type MONTORI et al, 2005 Podarcis hispanica Sierra Nevada type MONTORI et al, 2005 Podarcis hispanicus BÖHME & KÖHLER, 2005 Podarcis hispanicus hispanicus SPEYBROECK & CROCHET, 2007 Podarcis hispanica sensu stricto PINHO et al, 2008 |
| BASSITTA et al. (2020) describe the representatives of the genetic lineage ‘Galera’ as a separate taxon Podarcis galerai BASSITTA, 2020. Since the representatives of this lineage cannot be distinguished from Podarcis hispanicus on the basis of photos and the distribution boundaries between the two lineages are not precisely known, no distinction is made between these lineages in the picture archive. |
Steindachner, F. (1870) - Description of Podarcis hispanicus. - In: “Herpetologische Notizen (II). II. Über einige neue oder seltene Reptilien des Wiener Museums”. - Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, 62: 336-350.  Geniez, P. & Cluchier, A. & Sá-Sousa, P. & Guillaume, C.P. & Crochet, P.-A. (2007) - Systematics of the Podarcis hispanicus-complex (Sauria, Lacertidae) I: Redefinition, morphology and distribution of the nominotypical taxon. - The Herpetological Journal, 17: 69-80.  ×Recent genetic works have suggested that the Iberian wall lizard Podarcis hispanicus (Steindachner, 1870) sensu lato
may in fact be a species complex, yet many of its taxa have not been formally described. We redefine the nominotypical
Podarcis [hispanicus] hispanicus sensu stricto using univariate and multivariate morphological analyses and pinpoint
its geographical distribution. Podarcis [hispanicus] hispanicus is a small wall lizard characterized by a flattened head
and body, the general lack of a masseteric shield, a striped dorsal pattern, the frequent bifurcation of the anterior part
of the vertebral strip, the belly almost always white and the tail intense blue in young specimens. Its distribution is
restricted to the Spanish Levant (provinces of Alicante, Murcia and Almeria). Bassitta, M. & Buades, J.M. & Pérez-Cembranos, A. & Pérez-Mellado, V. & Terrasa, R.P. & Brown, P. & Navarro, P. & Lluch, J. & Ortega, J. & Castro, J.A. & Picornell, A. & Ramon, C. (2020) - Multilocus and morphological analysis of south-eastern Iberian Wall lizards (Squamata, Podarcis). - Zool. Scripta, 2020. DOI: 10.1111/zsc.12450 (early view) 16 pp.  ×The phylogenetic relationships among the wall lizards of the Podarcis hispanicus complex that inhabit the south-east (SE) of the Iberian Peninsula and other lineages of the complex remain unclear. In this study, four mitochondrial and two nuclear mark-ers were used to study genetic relationships within this complex. The phylogenetic analyses based on mtDNA gene trees constructed with ML and BI, and a species tree using *BEAST support three divergent clades in this region: the Valencia, Galera and Albacete/Murcia lineages. These three lineages were also corroborated in spe-cies delimitation analyses based on mtDNA using bPTP, mPTP, GMYC, ABGD and BAPS. Bayesian inference species delimitation method (BPP) based on both nuclear data and a combined data set (mtDNA + nuclear) showed high posterior probabilities for these three SE lineages (≥0.94) and another Bayesian analysis (STACEY) based on combined data set recovered the same three groups in this region. Divergence time dating of the species tree provided an estimated divergence of the Galera line-age from the other SE group (Podarcis vaucheri, (Albacete/Murcia, Valencia)) at 12.48 Ma. During this period, the Betic–Rifian arc was isolated, which could have caused the isolation of the Galera form distributed to the south of the Betic Corridor. Although lizards from the Albacete/Murcia and Galera lineage are morphologically similar, they clearly represent distinct genetic lineages. The noteworthy separation of the Galera lineage enables us to conclude that this lineage must be considered as a new full species.