Einzelne Bergstöcke in Kroatien, Bosnien-Herzegowina und Montenegro. 


Dinarolacerta mosorensis  (KOLOMBATOVIC, 1886)


Lacerta mosorensis  KOLOMBATOVIC, 1886

Archaeolacerta mosorensis  ARRIBAS, 1999

Dinarolacerta mosorensis  LJUBISAVLJEVI et al, 2007


Mosor-Gebirgseidechse (Deutsch)
Mosor Rock Lizard (Englisch)


Syntypes: NMW 16090:1,2

Terra Typica:

Berg Mosor bei Split in Dalmatien.

Relevante taxonomische Literatur:

  • Kolombatović, J. (1886) -  Directory of vertebrates in Dalmatia. Part II: Amphibians, Reptiles and Fishes. -  God. Izvješće c. Kr. Vel. Realke u Splitu škol. god. 1885-1886: 3-20.  

    Kolombatović, J. (1886) -  Imenik kralježnjaka Dalmacije. II Dio: Dvoživci, Gmazovi i Ribe.  -  God. Izvješće c. Kr. Vel. Realke u Splitu škol. god. 1885-1886: 3-20.  

  • Ljubisavljević, K. & Arribas, O. & Džukić, G. & Carranza, S. (2007) -  Genetic and morphological differentiation of Mosor rock lizards, Dinarolacerta mosorensis (Kolombatović, 1886) with the description of a new species from the Prokletije Mountain Massif (Montenegro) (Squamata: Lacertidae). -  Zootaxa, 1613: 1-22.    

  • Ljubisavljevic, K. & Polovic, L. & Ikovic, V. & Vuksanovic, S. & Zagora, V. & Urosevic, A. & Tomovic, L. (2016) -  New records and updated distribution of the endemic Balkan rock lizards Dinarolacerta spp. in Montenegro. -  Ecologica Montenegrina, 9: 46-50.