Lantz, L.A. & Cyrén, O. (1920) - Note sur les Lacerta viridis du Caucase. - Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France, 45: 33-37.  Schmidtler, J.F. (1975) - Description of Lacerta media ciliciencis. - In: “Zur Taxonomie der Riesen-Smaragdeidechsen (Lacerta trilineata Bedriaga) Süd-Anatoliens”. – Veröffentlichungen der Zoologischen Staatssammlung München, 18: 45-68.  Schmidtler, J.F. (1986) - Orientalische Smaragdeidechsen: 2. Über Systematik und Synökologie von Lacerta trilineata, L. media und L. pamphylica. - Salamandra, Bonn, 22 (2/3): 126-146.  ×1. A revision of Anatolian L. trilineata reveals its subdivision into three species: The western L. trilineata BEDRIAGA, 1886 (comprising in Anatolia the two subspecies- groupings cariensis and diplochondrodes), the eastern L. media LANTZ & CYREN, 1920 (comprising the subspecies L. m. (m.) media - probably subdivided into further „minor subspecies` - L. m. (i.) isaurica, L. m. (i.) ciliciensis, L. m. (w.) wolterstorffi, L. m. (w.) israelica) and L. pamphylica SCHMIDTLER, 1975; the latter being endemic and allopatric in Southern Central Anatolia. Probably these three species are equally related with each other, with the L. viridis-strigata-complex and possibly also with L. agilis. In Green Lizards generally the degree of specific differentiation is weil indicated by the degree of pholidotic differentiation.
2. In the intrapontic transversal valleys of Arav and Gök-rivers (West Pontus-Subregion) three species of Green Lizards prove to be ecological indicator-species of the three main vegetation-zones and herpetocoenoses:
- Mediterranean-intrapontic vegetation-zone (Pinus halepensis; 300-600 m): L. m. me- dia and the reptiles Ophisops elegans, Coluber caspius, Mauremys caspica, Testudo graeca; the amphibians Bufo viridis, Hyla arborea, Rana ridibunda.
- Supramediterranean-prepontic vegetation-zone (Pinus nigra; 600-1000 m): L. triline- ata galatiensis and the reptiles Lacerta parva, Podarcis muralis, Emys orbicularis, Testudo graeca and, additionally to the above mentioned amphibians: Rana macrocnemis.
- Moderate-euxinic vegetation-zone (Pinus silvestris; 1000-1500 m): L. viridis paphla- gonica and the reptiles Lacerta cf. rudis, Podarcis muralis, Coronella austriaca; the amphibi- ans Triturus vittatus, Bufo bufo, Hyla arborea, Rana ridibunda and R. macrocnemis. Godinho, R. & Crespo, E.G. & Ferrand, N. & Harris, D.J. (2005) - Phylogeny and evolution of the green lizards, Lacerta spp. (Squamata: Lacertidae) based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences - Amphibia-Reptilia, 26 (3): 271-285.  ×Partial DNA sequences from three mitochondrial (cytochrome b, 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA) and two nuclear (-fibrinogen intron 7 and C-mos) genes were used to estimate the phylogenetic relationships among all eight extant species of green lizards, Lacerta sensu stricto, and many currently recognized subspecies. All eight species form a monophyletic group. L. agilis, L. schreiberi and L. strigata are genetically well differentiated species. L. trilineata and L. pamphylica are not monophyletic units based on analyses of the -fibrinogen intron 7. Lacerta media is closely related to some Lacerta trilineata. L. bilineata and L. viridis are closely related, and recognition of L. bilineata as a distinct species makes L. viridis paraphyletic also. For both L. bilineata and L. viridis, some subspecies appear to remain in their southern glacial refugia, while a single genetic entity shows successfully postglacial expansion. The topology derived from C-mos variation is concordant with that derived from mtDNA, with substitutions occurring at a similar rate to that of transversions in the rRNA genes. Although C-mos is typically used at deeper taxonomic levels it is also phylogenetically informative within green lizards. -fibrinogen intron 7, typically used for assessing phylogenetic relationships among bird species, is a useful phylogenetic marker for reptiles also, showing considerable variation between species. There is not complete concordance between estimates of relationships derived from the mtDNA and nuclear markers, probably because rapid diversification led to incomplete lineage sorting in the green lizards. Introgression could also be occuring between some species. Doronin, I.V. & Doronina, M.A. (2019) - Review of type specimens of Lacerta media Lantz et Cyrén, 1920 (Sauria: Lacertidae). - Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 323 (2): 85-92.  ×The paper provides data on the current location of the type specimens of Lacerta viridis media Lantz et Cyrén, 1920 as on December 1, 2018. In the collections of ZISP, NHM and NMG 17 syntypes were identified during our study, ten of which appeared to be lost. According to catalogue records, other type specimens of this taxon likely were also stored in NMG, but this cannot be established for sure due to the loss of part of the collection. It is possible that part of the type specimens is stored in the Göteborgs Naturhistoriska Museum, as the majority of the Cyrén’s collections is kept there. The herpetological collection of NM KhNU has two specimens of L. media, coming from the collection of the Caucasian Museum. Most probably these lizards were received from Tiflis for study by A.M. Nikolsky, who lived and worked in Kharkov from 1903 to 1942. However, these specimens cannot be attributed to the type series of this species as their localities data are absent from the list of Lantz and Cyrén. The designation of the lectotype by Šmíd et al. (2014) is considered invalid, as it does not correspond to ICZN rules. To ensure the stability of the nomenclature we designate herein the specimen ZISP 12387 as the lectotype of L. viridis media. The history of the taxon description is given. It is demonstrated that O. Cyrén (1933) was first who upgraded the status of this taxon to a species level, using a binomen. И.В. Доронин и М.А. Доронина (2019) - Обзор типовых экземпляров Lacerta media Lantz et Cyrén, 1920 (Sauria: Lacertidae). - Труды Зоологического института РАН, 323 (2): 85-92.  ×В работе приводится информация о современном месте хранения типовых экземпляров Lacerta viridis media Lantz et Cyrén, 1920 по состоянию на 1 декабря 2018 г. В коллекциях ZISP, NHM и NMG выявлены 17 синтипов, из которых 10 в настоящее время утрачены. Судя по записям в каталоге, вероятнее всего в NMG хранились и другие типовые экземпляры этого таксона, но из-за утраты части коллекции точно установить это не представляется сейчас возможным. Вероятно, что часть типовой серии хранится в Гетеборгском музее естественной истории, так как большинство сборов Сирена в настоящее время находится в этом учреждении. В герпетологической коллекции NM KhNU имеются 2 экз. L. media, про- исходящие из коллекции Кавказского музея; вероятнее всего, эти ящерицы были получены из Тифлиса для изучения А.М. Никольским, который жил и работал в Харькове с 1903 по 1942 гг. Однако они не могут быть отнесены к типовой серии, так как указанные локалитеты отсутствуют в перечне Ланца и Сирена. Публикацию Шмида с соавторами (Šmíd et al. 2014) нельзя считать валидным обозначением лектоти- па, так как оно не соответствует ICZN. Для обеспечения стабильности номенклатуры мы обозначаем экземпляр ZISP 12387 в качестве лектотипа L. viridis media. Приводится история описания таксона. Показано, что О. Сирен (1933) впервые повысил его статус до видового, использовав биноминальное название.