France and Spain / central Pyrenees; from El Portalé in the west to La Bonaigua in the east. 


Iberolacerta bonnali  (LANTZ, 1927)


Iberolacerta bonnali  CROCHET et al, 2004

Lacerta bonnali  LANTZ, 1927

Lacerta monticola bonnali  ENGELMANN et al, 1993

Iberolacerta (Pyrenesaura) bonnali  ARRIBAS, 1997

Common names:

Pyrenean Rock Lizard (English)
Pyrenäen-Gebirgseidechse (German)
Lézard montagnard des Pyrénées (French)
Lagartija Pirenaica (Spanish)


Holotype: BMNH

Terra Typica:

Lac Bleu de Bigorre, Pyrenees.

Relevant taxonomic literature:

  • Lantz, L.A. (1927) -  Description of Iberolacerta bonnali.  -  In: Quelques observations nouvelles sur l’herpétologique des Pyrénées centarles. II. – Revue d`histoire naturelle appliquée, 8: 58-61.   

  • Mayer, W. & Arribas, O.J. (1996) -  Allozyme differentiation and relationship among the Iberian-Pyrenean Mountain lizards (Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae). -  Herpetozoa, Wien, 9 (1/2): 57-61.    

  • Mayer, W. & Arribas, O. (2003) -  Phylogenetic relationships of the European lacertid genera Archaeolacerta and Iberolacerta and their relartionships to some other ´Archaeolacertae´ (sensu lato) from Near East, derived from mitochondrial DNA sequences. -  Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, Berlin, 41 (3): 157-161.    


Iberolacerta bonnali  © 2010 Frank Deschandol