Küstengebiet von Südwest-Marokko, Westsahara, West-Mauritanien und Nord-Senegal. 


Acanthodactylus aureus  GÜNTHER, 1903


Acanthodactylus inornatus aureus  GÜNTHER, 1903

Acanthodactylus aureus  SALVADOR, 1982


Goldener Fransenfingereidechse (Deutsch)
Golden Fringe-fingered Lizard (Englisch)


Lectotype: MNHN-RA 1918-11, an adult male from ‘Villa Cisneros’ (= Dakhla), Western Sahara (designated by CROCHET et al. 2003). Paralectotypes: BMNH 1946.8.5.2-26, USNM 33109-33111, MNHN-RA 1918.11-12 (and others, see also CROCHET et al. 2003). The syntypes from Southern Algeria are most likely specimens of A. taghitensis CROCHET et al. 2003).

Terra Typica:

Rio de Oro, Western Sahara. Restricted to ‘Villa Cisneros’ [ = Dakhla].

Relevante taxonomische Literatur:

  • Günther, A. (1903) -  Reptiles from Rio de Oro, Western Sahara. -  Novitates Zoologicae, London, 10: 298-299.     

  • Harris, D.J. & Arnold, E.N. (2000) -  Elucidation of the relationships of spiny-footed lizards, Acanthodactylus spp. (Reptilia: Lacertidae) using mitochondrial DNA sequence, with comments on their biogeography and evolution. -  Journal of Zoology, London, 252 (3): 351-362.    

  • Crochet, P.-A. & Geniez, P. & Ineich, I. (2003) -  A multivariate analysis of the fringe-toed lizards of the Acanthodactylus scutellatus group (Squamata: Lacertidae) systematics and biogeographical implications. -  Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 137 (1): 117-155.    

  • Tamar, K. & Carranza, S. & Sindaco, R. & Moravec, J. & Trape, J.-F. & Meiri, S. (2016) -  Out of Africa: Phylogeny and biogeography of the widespread genus Acanthodactylus (Reptilia: Lacertidae).  -  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 103: 6-18.    

  • Vicente Liz, A. & Rödder, D. & Vasconcelos Goncalves, D. & Velo-Antón, G. & Tarroso, P. & Geniez, P. & Crochet, P.-A. & Carvalho, S.B. & Brito, J.C. (2022) -  Overlooked species diversity in the hyper-arid Sahara Desert unveiled by dryland-adapted lizards. -  Journal of Biogeography. 2022; 00: 1-15.