Türkei und Iran 


Eremias suphani  BAŞOĞLU & HELLMICH, 1968


Eremias velox suphani   BAŞOĞLU & HELLMICH, 1968

Eremias (Aspidorhinus) suphani   BARABANOV, 2009

Eremias suphani  BISCHOFF & BÖHME, 1980


Suphan Racerunner (Englisch)
Suphan Wüstenrenner (Deutsch)


Holotype: ZDEU 31/1957, paratypes: ZSM, ZFMK 26249-251. male and subadult

Terra Typica:

Ahlat am Vansee, Türkei.

Taxonomische Hinweise:

Subgenus Aspidorhinus

Adults of Eremias suphani can be distinguished from iE. strauchii by the presence of a double or single row of gular scales separating the scales of the third pair of chin shields (third pair of chin shields in contact in iE. strauchii), the presence of enlarged gular scales border- ing the third pair of chin shields (no enlarged gulars in iE. suphanii), and the presence of a ventrolateral row of well-defined, large, round, white spots, that may be fused to form a longitudinal band (diffuse small longitudinal spots or a diffuse thin line in iE. strauchii).

Relevante taxonomische Literatur:

  • Başoğlu, M. & Hellmich, W. (1968) -  Eine neue Eremias-Form aus Ost-Anatolien (Reptilia, Lacertidae). -  Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi İlmi Raporlar Serisi, Bornova-İzmir, 67: 3-7.  


Eremias suphani  © 2006 Sergé Bogaerts