×In this study, we aimed to determine the amphibian and reptile species distributed in Agri province (Turkey), as well the major factors threatening the species. For this purpose, we conducted 4 field excursions (20 days totally) at 223 different point, covering all the squares of 1:25.000 layout map. As a result of the literature and field survey, we recorded 4 anuran (Pseudepidalea variabilis, Pelophylax ridibundus, Rana camerani, R. macrocnemis), 2 chelonian (Mauremys caspica, Testudo graeca), 16 lizard (Paralaudakia caucasia, Phrynocephalus horvathi, Ablepharus bivittatus, Trachylepis aurata, Darevskia bendimahiensis, D. raddei, D. valentini, D. sapphirina, D. unisexualis, D. uzzelli, Eremias suphani, E. strauchi, E. pleskei, Lacerta media, Ophisops elegans, Parvilacerta parvd) and 14 snake (Typhlops vermicularis, Dolichophis jugularis, D. schmidti, Eirenis eiselti, E. modestus, E. collaris, Coronella austriaca, Hemorrhois ravergieri, Natrix natrix, N. tessellata, Platyceps najadum, Eryx jaculus, Montivipera wagneri, M raddei) species in Agri province, which is totally 4 amphibians and 32 reptiles. Three Anatolian endemic species (Darevskia sapphirina, Eirenis eiselti, Montivipera wagneri) and 7 species more was recorded in Agri as s first time in the literture. Taking into account the very limited herpetofaunal information available in the literature for Agri province, a significant contribution was made with this work. This study was conducted as a part of `The Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks National Biodiversity Inventory and Monitoring Project`.