Maltese archipelago.  Introduced to the island of Linosa, Lampione and Lampedusa.


Podarcis filfolensis  (BEDRIAGA, 1876)

Population (18):

Cheirolophus Rock  LO CASCIO & SCIBERRAS, 2020

Comino Island  (DESPOTT, 1915)

Cominotto Islet  SAVONA-VENTURA, 1983

Filfla Islet  (ADAMS, 1870)

Fungus Rock  (GULIA, 1914)

Gozo Island  (ADAMS, 1870)

Ħalfa Rock  SCIBERRAS, 2005

Lampedusa Island  LO CASCIO et al., 2005

Lampione Islet  (GIGLIOLI, 1884)

Large Blue Lagoon Rock  BRUNO, 1986

Linosa Island  (GIGLIOLI, 1884)

Malta Island  (ADAMS, 1870)

Manoel Island  SCIBERRAS, 2005

Pigeon Rock  SCIBERRAS & SCIBERRAS, 2014

Selmunett Islet  (DESPOTT, 1915)

Small Blue Lagoon Rock  SCIBERRAS, 2005

Ta’ Fra Ben Islet  SCIBERRAS, 2005

Taċ-Ċawl Rock  SCIBERRAS, 2005

Extinct subspecies or population (2):

Lampedusa Island  LO CASCIO et al., 2005

Selmunett Islet  (DESPOTT, 1915)


Lacerta muralis   ADAMS, 1870

Lacerta filfolensis  BEDRIAGA, 1876

Podarcis filfolensis  MERTENS, 1922

Common names:

Maltese Wall Lizard (English)
Malta-Mauereidechse (German)

Taxonomic notes:

We follow SALVI et al. (2014) and SCIBERRAS & SCIBERRAS (2024) to consider Podarcis filfolensis only as a species without subspecies, but instead with populations.

Relevant taxonomic literature:

  • Adams, A.L. (1870) -  Reptiles -  In: Notes of a naturalist in the Nile Valley and Malta. Edingburgh: Edmonton and Douglas. Page 80-82.  

  • Bedriaga, J. von (1876) -  Die Faraglione-Eidechse und die Entstehung der Farben bei den Eidechsen, eine Erwiderung an Herrn Prof. Dr. Th. Eimer. -  Heidelberg.  

  • Giglioli, E.H. (1884) -  Seconda campagna del R. piroscafo « Washington » -  In: Giglioli, E.H. & A. Issel: Pelagos, Sagga Sulla Vita et sui Prodotti del Mare: 253-270.  

  • Gulia, G. (1914) -  Uno sguardo alla zoologia delle Isole Maltesi. -  IX Congres Intern. de Zoologie tenu à Monaco da 25-30 Mars 1913: 545-555.  

  • Despott, G. (1915) -  The reptiles of the Maltese Islands. -  The Zoologist, 891: 321-360.  

  • Mertens, R. (1921) -  Zur Kenntnis der Reptilienfauna von Malta. -  Zoologischer Anzeiger, Leipzig, 53: 236 - 240  

  • Mertens, R. (1922) -  Verzeichnis der Typen in der herpetologischen Sammlung des Senckenbergischen Museums. -  Senckenbergiana, Frankfurt/Main, 4: 162-183.  

  • Fejervary, G.J. (1924) -  Preliminary notes to a monograph of the lacertian fauna of the Maltese islands. -  Biologica Hungarica, Budapest, 1 (5): 1-15.   

  • Savona-Ventura, C. (1983) -  The herpetofauna of Comino and satellite islet´s with a note on the coloration of Podarcis filfolensis. -  Animalia, 10 (1/3): 87-93.  

  • Bruno, S. (1986) -  Lucertola maltese Podarcis filfolensis (Bedriaga, 1876). -  In: Tartarughe e sauri d`Italia. Giunti Martello, Firenze: 232-233.   

  • Lo Cascio, P. & Corti, C. & Billeci, V. & Nicolini, G. (2005) -  “First came, first served”, or the recent introduced lizard populations of Lampedusa Island (S Italy). -  Programme and Abstracts of the 13th Ord. Meeting S.E.H., Museum Koenig, Bonn: 72.  

  • Sciberras, A. (2005) -  Reptiles, our scaly friends. -  The Malta Independent 22.10.2005 page 6.   

  • Rodriguez, V. & Brown, R.P. & Terrasa, B. & Pérez-Mellado, V. & Picornell, A. & Castro, J.A. & Ramon, C. (2013) -  Genetic diversity and historical biogeography of the Maltese wall lizard, Podarcis filfolensis (Squamata: Lacertidae). -  Conservation Genetics, 15 (2): 295-304.    

  • Salvi, D. & Schembri, P. & Sciberras, A. & Harris, D.J. (2014) -  Evolutionary history of the Maltese wall lizard Podarcis filfolensis: insights on the ‘Expansion-Contraction’ model of Pleistocene biogeography. -  Molecular Ecology, 23 (5): 1167-1187.    

  • Sciberras, J. & Sciberras, A. (2014) -  Behavior of lizards in the Maltese and Pelagian islands: a personal experience. -  L@CERTIDAE, 2014 [1]: 1-10.    

  • Lo Cascio, P. & Sciberras, A. (2020) -  “Cold-blooded” travellers around Sicily: How introductions and extinctions have shake the recent herpetofauna of Circum-Sicilian and Maltese Islands.  -  In: La Mantia T., Badalamenti, E., Carapezza, A., Lo Cascio, P. & A. Troia (Eds.): Life on islands. 1. Biodiversity in Sicily and surrounding islands. Studies dedicated to Bruno Massa. Edizioni Danaus, Palermo. pp. 355-390.     

  • Sciberras, A. & Sciberras, J. (2024) -  Updates on the natural history of Cheirolophus Rock (Maltese Archipelago) with a description of its lacertid. -  L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen Online), 2024 [2]: 9-16.    


Podarcis filfolensis: 148  pictures (see subspecies level)


Podarcis filfolensis Linosa Island  © 2010 Arnold Sciberras