Italy /  Lampedusa Island (Pelagian Islands)


Podarcis filfolensis Lampedusa Island  LO CASCIO et al., 2005


Podarcis filfolensis   LO CASCIO et al., 2005

Taxonomic notes:

Translocated in recent history, but most likely disappeared again by now (LO VALVO et al. 2018).

Relevant taxonomic literature:

  • Lo Cascio, P. & Corti, C. & Billeci, V. & Nicolini, G. (2005) -  “First came, first served”, or the recent introduced lizard populations of Lampedusa Island (S Italy). -  Programme and Abstracts of the 13th Ord. Meeting S.E.H., Museum Koenig, Bonn: 72.  

  • Lo Cascio, P. & Corti, C. (2008) -  Indagini sull’ecologia dei Rettili Sauri della R.N.O. e del S.I.C. `Isola di Lampedusa` -  Il Naturalista Siciliano, Ser. IV, 32 (3-4): 319-354.    

  • Salvi, D. & Schembri, P. & Sciberras, A. & Harris, D.J. (2014) -  Evolutionary history of the Maltese wall lizard Podarcis filfolensis: insights on the ‘Expansion-Contraction’ model of Pleistocene biogeography. -  Molecular Ecology, 23 (5): 1167-1187.    

  • Lo Valvo, M. & Faraone, F.P. & Giacalone, G. & Lillo, F. (2018) -  Atlante die Rettili della Regione Siciliana: stato di avanzamento. -  Abstracts XII° Congresso Nazionale Societas Herpetologica Italica. Rende (Cosenza), 1-5 Ottobre 2018: 35-36.  

  • Lo Cascio, P. & Sciberras, A. (2020) -  “Cold-blooded” travellers around Sicily: How introductions and extinctions have shake the recent herpetofauna of Circum-Sicilian and Maltese Islands.  -  In: La Mantia T., Badalamenti, E., Carapezza, A., Lo Cascio, P. & A. Troia (Eds.): Life on islands. 1. Biodiversity in Sicily and surrounding islands. Studies dedicated to Bruno Massa. Edizioni Danaus, Palermo. pp. 355-390.     

  • Sciberras, A. & Sciberras, J. (2024) -  Updates on the natural history of Cheirolophus Rock (Maltese Archipelago) with a description of its lacertid. -  L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen Online), 2024 [2]: 9-16.