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of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
(Select a country below for a different checklist)
(Click on a country on the map for a different checklist)
Pedioplanis benguellensis
(BOCAGE, 1867)
Southwestern Angola, lower elevation areas (below 550 m) in the coastal region, up to 30 km inland, from Moçâmedes (Province of Namibe), north to Sumbe (Province of Cuanza-Sul).
Source: Parrinha, D. & Marques, M.P. & Heinicke, M.P. & Khalid, F. & Parker, K.L. & Tolley, K.A. & Childers, J.L. & Conradie, W. & Bauer, A.M. & Ceríaco L.M.P. (2021) - A revision of Angolan species in the genus Pedioplanis Fitzinger (Squamata: Lacertidae), with the description of a new species. - Zootaxa 5032 (1): 1-46.
Pedioplanis benguellensis: 21 references
Pedioplanis benguellensis © William R. Branch